As part of the Anglican tradition, we share language and forms of worship that reflect the wisdom of generations of followers of Jesus. Episcopal worship typically involves readings from the Bible, prayers, music, and communion.
9:15 am
Formation for Children & Adults
10:30 am
Indoor Eucharist
11:30 am
Coffee Hour
5:00 pm
Contemplative Service
(first Sunday in each month only)
8:00 am
Zoom Morning Prayer
12:00 pm
Scripture study and Noonday Prayer
10:30 am
Outdoor Eucharist
11:30 am
Coffee Hour
8:00 am
Zoom Morning Prayer
12:00 pm
Scripture Study and Noonday Prayer
(except August)
For more information or Zoom links, please contact the office at
While rooted in our Episcopal Tradition, using the Book of Common Prayer, we are also committed to using a variety of prayer and musical resources from all over the world. Each winter, we dedicate a month to using prayers and music from one of our members’ countries of origin. Past liturgies have been from Liberia, China, and the Democratic Republic of Congo–just to name a few. Our church services always follow the same rhythm: hearing from scripture, responding to scripture, celebrating communion, and lots of singing. Everyone is welcome to receive communion at St. Matthew’s.
If you want to know more about the theology of worship in the Episcopal Church, or what to expect, you can read more here or here.
Kids are a vital part of the church. They are not just welcome in worship, they belong there, because they bring joy and mess and wonder to the service. Activity bags and coloring sheets are available each week.
The Wednesday Noon service is held in the Parish Hall (enter through the Chelmsford Avenue door). It is a simple spoken service with communion using the Book of Common Prayer. A simple lunch follows this service. If you have any questions, please email
In addition to our Sunday Morning services, we also offer monthly contemplative services that are quieter, more relaxed ways of connecting with God. Contemplative services feature Taizé chant, candlelit spaces, and interactive ways of praying. Each service is followed by a shared meal, in which discussion is invited).
Upcoming Sunday evenings in 2025:
Part of being apprenticed to the Way of Jesus is learning how to worship beyond the church building. St. Matthew’s provides ways for individuals and families to engage with worship at home while still feeling a part of our wider faith community and tradition. Most of our services are live-streamed on Zoom and Facebook; contact the office at for appropriate links.
During the summer, we worship in the grove of trees on the north side of College Park. Please bring your own chair or blanket. In case of bad weather, we will return to the church building.
Our preachers include gifted pastors, teachers, and seminarians from our church and the Twin Cities area. Sermons are recorded and posted in our archive.
Our music repertoire includes everything from Anglican chant and classic choral compositions to jazz, gospel, and Taize and Celtic-themed music.
Almost every Sunday St. Matthew’s offers healing prayer for you or someone you love at 10:30 am service. Trained members of our healing prayer team are also available by appointment. Contact the office to reach the healing prayer team.
If you are in the hospital or unable to come to church, St. Matthew’s can send trained Eucharistic lay ministers to you. They come in pairs and offer an abbreviated service.
To request a Eucharistic visit please contact the Rector.