Spiritual Practice for Early Summer 2023: Sensio Divina in Nature

While most of us spend more time outside in the summer, we often forget to truly be present to nature itself. Take this practice, adapted from Lectio Divina, as a possibility.

READ: Take a few moments to take some deep breaths and ground yourself, inviting God’s presence to accompany you. As you observe (read) the landscape, allow yourself to be drawn to something (the river, the sun, a rock, the breeze…) or someone (a cardinal, a turtle, a beetle, an oak…) that seems to be calling you.

REFLECT: Use all your senses. Notice little things. Smell. Touch. Observe. Savor and listen with an open heart to what unfolds. How do you notice God in creation?

RESPOND: Use your imagination and be curious about what lesson may be received. This is a new language, so words sometimes don’t work. Sketch or meditate, listening deeply, allowing images and emotions to arise.

REST: Offer some acknowledgement of honor and gratitude: a prayer, a bow, a smile, a touch. Revel and rest in the experience.