Desperation and Expansion

The podcast this week includes an opening prayer, the Gospel reading, sermon reflection, wondering question, a time to pray for family, neighbors, the Cities and world, and a blessing.

In her sermon Blair Pogue explores how the Syrophoenician woman, a gentile and outsider, changes Jesus. She is desperate to have her daughter healed, and in her desperation, she expands Jesus’ understanding of God’s mission and Kingdom or Reign.

You can listen to the audio here, or you can go to our podcast page, where you can also check out past episodes. There are also links to Spotify and other podcast hosts where you can subscribe to the podcast.


Image: Stained glass window from the National Cathedral, Washington, DC. Photograph (2016) by  Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P. Reproduced under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 via Flickr.