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At St. Matthew’s our primary calling is to equip people to follow Jesus’ Way in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and the places they volunteer. As a faith community we seek to participate in God’s life more fully so we are freed to live for others.

Christian Formation

Formation includes learning more about God and the Christian faith through worship, prayer, spiritual practices, and discussions. We offer learning opportunities for all ages. Children learn our sacred stories and how to serve God in their homes, neighborhoods and schools. Adult opportunities include groups for in-depth scripture study, discussion and spiritual practice, the chance to learn more about vital community topics, healing prayer, and care and support groups. A small sample of recent offerings include:

  • A weekly online study of Saint Paul’s letters
  • A weekly discussion of the book Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting including a simple practice to try each week
  • Sunday school for children and faith formation events for children and youth.
  • Discussions on race and policing in the Twin Cities with Black community leaders

Social Justice

St. Matthew’s partners with local and global nonprofits focusing on education and mentoring, afford able housing, antiracism, and food. From serving as a shelter for homeless children and their caregivers to serving a hot meal at Loaves and Fishes, to advocating for policy change, to supporting a nonprofit in Uganda that makes sure girls who have lost their parents get an education and have a hopeful future, we are involved in God’s healing work in the world. Some of the nonprofits we partner with include:

For detail on each social justice ministry, click here: “Social Justice at St. Matthew’s” booklet.


At center of the St. Matthew’s community is a welcoming table. Whether it’s the communion table, the dinner table, or the discussion table, our identity is rooted in God’s abundant hospitality by sharing food, friendship, and our faith. A staple of St. Matthew’s is a potluck table, overflowing with food from all over the world. We practice hospitality through:

  • Regular community meals open to all, like our Sunday Night Supper*
  • A warm, personal welcome—even with a mask on and from 6 feet!
  • Providing meeting and cooking space for local community groups and events, like Music Together and St. Anthony Park Kid’s concerts*

Our parish hall, or undercroft is a gallery space for local artists, including a community art show in February.*

Our community is devoted to identifying, nurturing, and raising up spiritual leaders for the church and world, both lay and ordained. St. Matthew’s is a teaching congregation that invests in helping lay leaders understand what it means to be spiritual leaders, as well as mentoring new priests and deacons.

One of the spiritual practices in our Way of Jesus is generosity. St. Matthew’s is completely supported by the generous donations of those who feel call to share what God has given to them.