Loaves and Fishes

Four times per year St. Matthew’s coordinates with Loaves and Fishes to provide meals to those in need in the Twin Cities. We prepare and serve meals to approximately 300 patrons at the Catholic Charities St. Paul Opportunity Center 422 Dorothy Day Place (formerly Main St) in downtown Saint Paul. The next date we are scheduled to prepare and serve meals is Sunday, February 23.

Our volunteer roles include:

  1. Bake cookies or bars so that diners can enjoy a homemade treat; we need about 50 dozen. You can drop them off at church the morning of February 23. Please sign up at stmatthewsmn.org/loaves-baking and indicate how many dozen you can provide.
  2. Shop! Right after church on Loaves and Fishes day we purchase meal ingredients at Restaurant Depot near church and deliver them to Dorothy Day Center. It’s a lot of food, so we need at least two vehicles; bonus points for vehicles with lots of cargo space. Shopping and delivery take about 90 minutes. If you can help with shopping, please contact Amy Fisher (you can email office@stmatthewsmn.org).
  3. Prep the meal from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Dorothy Day Center. No gourmet cooking skills required! To volunteer at Dorothy Day you’ll need to create an account and sign up through Catholic Charities at stmatthewsmn.org/loaves.
  4. Serve the meal from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Dorothy Day Center. To volunteer at Dorothy Day you’ll need to create an account and sign up through Catholic Charities at stmatthewsmn.org/loaves.

Note that the prepping and serving roles require you to have an account through Catholic Charities. If you haven’t served before, please set up an account at https://cctwincities.volunteerhub.com/lp/stmatthewsepiscopalchurch/.

Prior experience is not necessary; other volunteers will be able to explain what to do. If you’ve never participated in Loaves and Fishes, please consider signing up. Loaves and Fishes is a wonderfully rewarding experience and a great way to get to know members of our St. Matthew’s community.

Date February 23, 2025