Blessings from the Fall 2023 Pledge Drive

If you want to learn more about St. Matthew’s, read what our members share as their blessings. As a part of our pledge drive this year we asked everyone to share what they believe to be the blessings in their lives. The response has been wonderful and almost overwhelming.
—Dan White, Generosity Chair



A community


Opportunities to read scripture during Sunday service.

The welcoming community and vibrant young adults group.

Age diversity. A good mix of old and young people.


Birth of a grandchild

Friendships (at St.  Matthew’s and unrelated)

Fulfilling work/vocation


The warmth of my welcome here.

Everything working out in being here and being with my partner here.

The depth of prayer I find in the community here.

The heart for reaching out and putting the gospel into action in the world.

The beauty of the liturgy.






Global worship

Moral support

Support from Acts 2 fund during difficult or challenging times

Great leadership


The Centering Prayer group provides support and connection for my spiritual journey

The Brother Lawrence Guild feeds us all physically and spiritually

The volunteers at Project Home and Loaves & Fishes renew my hope

Liz gardens with love and faith

Kennedy’s family mows the lawn

Mary Griffin and John DesHarnais organize and monitor physical plant


Wednesday service and lunch

Church in the park


The blessings of support and understanding of St. Matthew’s members in exploring spiritual life and the way of Jesus.



Organizing drives St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Men’s activities

I am thankful for our new priest Christopher.

St. Matthew’s is a welcoming and spiritual community.

We are blessed with the staff we have and the willingness of church members to work together and have fun getting things done at St. Matthew’s, in our community and in Africa with the Blue House.


Each other

Our kids and grandkids

Our home

Our church and church family and friends

Our ability to volunteer and give back


I am blessed by the outstanding leadership and creativity of Michael Compton.  Few other communities have beautiful and easily accessible music written just for them.

We are blessed by our children, their spouses and grandchildren.

We are blessed to be able to give to the neediest through Focus (orthodox charity) and Loaves & Fishes at St. Matthew’s.

We are blessed by the kindness of St. Matthew’s parishioners toward my disabled husband.

We are blessed by the spiritual depth and also fun we find at St. Matthew’s.


Our new rector


Our new children, youth and intergenerational leader

Our staff

Our committed community


The return of my beloved prodigal son – repair, healing, restoration, reconciliation.  Amazing miracle.

Numerous examples of healing of serious medical problems – neck compression (severe pain), breast cancer; more amazing.

Much peace and confidence following a time of fearfulness (unusual for me).

Coping better and better with being alone, without sinking into loneliness

God’s amazing love – healing, wholeness, love, peace

So thankful for the social security (small but essential) and Medicare generosity in paying most medical costs


Our children, their spouses and children

The ability to rest and relax in retirement

The congregation of St. Matthew’s

Our volunteer opportunities

Good health and healthcare


Spiritual nourishment through worship, preaching, music, study and attention to beauty is a great blessing.  We are deeply thankful.

Christian fellowship and friendship, including convivial meals, shared activities and meaningful retreats.  We are grateful for our new friends at St. Matt’s.

This is a community that seeks to see the divine in every person, regardless of their beliefs or political positions.  We are very thankful for this openness.

We give thanks for opportunities at St. Matt’s and beyond to work towards making change in the world.

We are grateful beyond words for our secure home, our family and our many friends.


Friends who bring unsolicited meals/food.

Chances to develop intergenerational friendships.

Safe and comfortable home in which to explore our faith.

Engagement to be the church in the wider world.


Love and acceptance

Deep, abiding friendships

Nurturing faith

Healing of hurt


Our family

A new rector: children / youth / intergenerational leader

Strong lay leadership

Our getaway place up north, where we spend quality family time.



Fresh priest

Safe place to live


My sisters




Sending cards of encouragement and thanks


Be friends of St. Matt’s children and watch them grow to adulthood.

To be citizen of this great country.

My family at church and at home.

Share my gifts.

Blessed to grow up in Episcopal school from kindergarten through high school.


Choir / music

Commitment to social justice

Genuine inclusiveness

Leadership with the congregation; not dependent on rector


St. Matthew’s has been my extended family for 40+ years.  I am so very thankful for this love and support, more important than ever.

Opportunities to continue to serve others, contribute my time, abilities, experience.

Continued opportunities for spiritual growth and development.


Healing prayer support

St. Laurence Guild


Hospitality groups



I was blessed to have incredible parents who demonstrated that working hard and caring for others brings joy to your life.

I am blessed to have a partner that makes me happy (most of the time ☺)

I am blessed to have a wonderful family – loving daughters and sons-in-law, and of course beautiful and talented granddaughters

I am blessed to have friends across the Twin Cities and beyond


I’m thankful for caring, supportive family.

Blessed by all at St. M’s who work diligently in many areas.

Blessed by kindness of countless at church welcoming new comers.

What a blessing that everyone at St. M’s feels welcome and well fed.

Blessings to have search team work so hard and get us Christopher Rogers!


Friendship and spiritual support

Good music, good food, good community

Thoughtful, thought provoking conversations and experiences

Support of social justice issues

Beautiful gardens, peaceful places to meditate and pray


Wonderful food and fellowship

Peace and joy in Godly Play


St. Matthew’s Altar Guild

St. Matthew’s grounds / gardening team

St. Matthew’s youth ministry

St. Matthew’s


The Wednesday service has been a great time of hospitality for us.

Praying with others for healing (Liz)

Outdoor services

Adult Ed



We have a good healthcare plan.  Because we have this, we not only have the opportunity to keep our bodies healthy, but we also have a chance to help keep our minds healthy and care for our disabilities.

We have a warm, safe house to live in.

At St. Matthew’s we regularly are inspired by our friends and learn how to deepen our relationship with God.

We are blessed with our child, who has taught us so much about love.

We as a culture understand so much more about how to treat mental health than we once did.  This has truly transformed the quality of our lives.


I am grateful for a church that is open and loving to all.

I am particularly grateful that St. Matthew’s has a strong commitment to serving the wider community and world.

I am grateful that St. Matthew’s has been blessed with so many members with extraordinary talents and skills and share them to support the church’s mission.

I am thankful for the wonderful close friends I have found here.

I am thankful to have been born an American citizen during a time when America became the leader of the free-world countries.  This blessing gives each of us many advantages people of other countries don’t share and also places obligations on us that others don’t have.



Rosa’s lunches

Messages of hope and grace for all

Opportunities to give of my time / money

Common purpose

Summer outside services

Diversity of community


A welcoming community

A safe place to have questions

The centrality of scripture in the worship service

Being able to take part in communion each week

Rosa’s food ☺


We feel a part of a community that cares for each other.

This is a place that welcomes our gifts, skills.

We are challenged to learn, grow and follow Jesus more closely

We are blessed with a loving family outside of the church

We notice when God is working in the world


Family and friends

Careers we loved


Blessing of children


We are blessed to have new friends

Warm welcome

Opportunities to give back to the community


What has been a blessing to us is the consistent support, welcome, and inclusion we experience and receive.

It is a joy to connect in the ways we can, and a grace to feel that there is room for us to step away in the midst of challenges, knowing fully that we are still seen as welcomed and whole members of the St. Matt’s community.


The blessings of a grounding in Christian faith for our children.  They may not regularly attend, but they know clearly what is important to us.

The blessing of age diversity – I love meeting the younger people at church, and making friends with people I wouldn’t normally get to know.  I also love what I learn from older friends at church.

The blessing of sermons that leave me with something new to consider; some idea that fuels spiritual growth.  Sometimes it comes from a surprising source.

The blessing of having a stable family and a safe home, and the knowledge that we are called to help those who don’t have these things.

The blessing of laughter.


The members of this faith community – their smiles, welcoming hearts, and many gifts.  This church feels like home and family.

Our new rector!!  And his desire to get to know us and remember our names – impressive!

Opportunities to learn and grow in faith.

My family and friends.

The green spaces in and near the Twin Cities.  A reminder that we are a part of nature and have a responsibility for caring for creation.


I/we do not take at all for granted that St. Matthew’s provides our family with a truly vibrant, wholehearted community with which to worship and commune.

The music is exceptional and rings within us throughout the week.

It is a place where families want to and do bring their children of all ages.  This is a very big blessing!

The sermons and other food for our spirits is always well thought through and presented beautifully.  Incredible that food for our bodies is offered as generously as well.

There are many people who let their lights shine so brightly!


Thanksgiving for affordable housing at Episcopal Church Home.


Centering prayer every Saturday in the library.


Camaraderie present at St. Matthew’s.

Caring members who have called me when I have needed help.

Wonderful service out of doors.

Fairly good health.

Healing service at the side of the church.


I am so grateful my children were able to grow up at St. Matt’s, surrounded by people who cared for them, who smiled at them when they fussed during services, and who helped pick them up when they fell running like hooligans during coffee hour.

Our family and friends


Music, art, books and creative thoughts

Already turned in a form, but wanted to add

Individuals of all ages gathering together as God’s people.


Reading the names of all the folks who have passed through St. Matt’s on their way through discernment, it really struck me that this is an amazing community to be able to foster such faith and growth.

Our home, community, state and country

Weekly ritual

The beauty of the earth- fall leaves, squirrels, birds, insects….

Neighborhood notice for Christmas Eve service and was hooked “

A beautiful, welcoming building for building community and living in the presence of God.


For the music because it brings me closer to God.

Our church and church family

Inter-generational relationships


Couple years back a book club in the evening

A warm welcome.


Our health


Several women in clergy


The loving and caring embrace of the St. Matthew’s community during my time of need.


The community that is St. Matthew’s is another family for me and a blessed one.

Especially proud of how we came during our interim stepping up to contribute and support our programs and people.

There is great joy and compassion here.

No one can place a value on this kind of commitment under God.


Gratitude for so many blessings from St. Matt’s.

For quiet and prayer.

For fellowship with so many dear friends, mentors and inspirations.

For challenge and growth.


That life at St. Matthew’s is multigenerational.

That our giving of time and talent at StM is based on healthy relationships.

Blessed with supportive family amidst good times and bad.


Friendship no matter if I am here at church or not.

Care and support during difficult times.

Healing prayers.

The church has gifted a place to bury Chuck and myself when the time comes.

Food when I was hungry, a winter coat when I had none, boots to keep my feet warm and so much more


The love of my husband, friends and family.


A faith community that is diverse and sustaining

Consistent leadership within the St. Matthew’s community

The opportunity to give back


Family and friendships

Opportunities for helping others

Support and fellowship for following the Way of Jesus


Intergenerational community


We are blessed to be a part of a multi-cultural parish.

We are blessed to be healthy after having Covid-19.


Friendly people

Deep spirituality









We’re glad to be joining this vital faith community and have appreciated receiving a warm welcome.


Dear friends and neighbors


Good job

Joy in my work

A wonderful dog


St. Matt’s provides the opportunity for social justice; Loaves & Fishes, Project Home, Blue House


We are so grateful for the youth faith formation at St. Matt’s

I love sharing music in the choir

Thank you to the small group who met and prayed for our child in a time of need.

Thank you Rosa, for making food I can eat!

Thank you for accepting and challenging me.